February 26, 2023

Sofia Coppola

 Sofia Coppola incorporated cultural relevance with a splash of the basic knowledge. In the film, Marie Antoinette, culture was a big part of it. The characters in the film judged people mainly for what country they came from. This was a big part of the movie. Marie Antoinette was not accepted in the beginning because of where she came from. This was interesting to me because the relevance seems to still happen to this day. Marie could feel the others judging her, when she would walk around the palace she could feel the others chatting about her. The message I received from this film was that we never really know what people are going through, we can assume all we want, but we really never know what goes on in someone else's mind. Marie seemed to have it all, she could buy as many diamonds as she wanted. That stuff did not fulfill her though, she was struggling herself. Her husband was not being a good husband and she was always being judged by others. We tend to think we know everything about others based off of what they show, we truly never know. I enjoyed this film and the little messages it gave through out the film. 

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