January 23, 2023

Des Cabinet des Dr. Caligari

 The film "Des Cabinet des Dr. Caligari" is a suspenseful mystery. There are no words, so it can be a bit confusing at some points. It takes place at a carnival, two guys encounter a crazy doctor. This doctor is showing a man he hypnotized, claiming the man can see into the future. The hypnotized man predicts Alan's, one of the two men, death. The next morning this prediction became true, Alan had passed away. The film then becomes a mystery, trying to figure out who is responsible for Alan's death. Cesar is the hypnotized man, however, the doctor is the one who hypnotized him. So who is really responsible for this death? The music playing added a sense of suspense. The doctor was in control of Cesar. This film had a lot going on at times, but for having no context it was a good suspenseful film. 100 years ago: Premiere of 'The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari' – DW – 02/27/2020

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Life Of a College Student

  In film class my classmates and I created a short film. A member in our group, Emma, came up with the idea to make a film on a college stu...