The film "Des Cabinet des Dr. Caligari" is a suspenseful mystery. There are no words, so it can be a bit confusing at some points. It takes place at a carnival, two guys encounter a crazy doctor. This doctor is showing a man he hypnotized, claiming the man can see into the future. The hypnotized man predicts Alan's, one of the two men, death. The next morning this prediction became true, Alan had passed away. The film then becomes a mystery, trying to figure out who is responsible for Alan's death. Cesar is the hypnotized man, however, the doctor is the one who hypnotized him. So who is really responsible for this death? The music playing added a sense of suspense. The doctor was in control of Cesar. This film had a lot going on at times, but for having no context it was a good suspenseful film.
Hi! This blog will be used for expressing my thoughts and opinions on films I will be watching in my film class.
January 23, 2023
Des Cabinet des Dr. Caligari
January 19, 2023
A Brief History of Cinema
The first perfected photograph taken of a man on a horse motion by 12 horses. This series of photographs made $25,000. The idea was to create a way to capture motion in pictures, this was the plan for photography. The first step was to get rid of the big bulky camera lens and create strips of light sensitive celluloid film. This made it possible for one camera to take motion pictures, rather than having 12 cameras take a single picture. Apparently a French inventor, Louis Le Prince, was experimenting the motion pictures at the same time. He perfected this technique in 1890. Photography took a while to perfect, but it happened.
Cinema Goes Hollywood
All production facilities were located in New York in the earlier times. This is because Thomas Edison, who controlled technology, was living in New York at the time. In the 1900's people who wanted to create a movie had to pay Edison for the privilege. This is when people started to want films to be produced in California, they thought it was a much better scene. In 1927, everything for film began to change. One of the brothers, Sam, from Warners Bros. had a vision to have sound in films. This idea, as we can tell, became a huge success. Everything began to change during this time. Movie theaters were being created, sound with movies was happening, and this was all just the beginning for films. The history of films is very interesting, especially because we are so used to how films are today and don't think twice about what they used to look like. The movie industry has came a long way, and I am very happy for that. This chapter demonstrated the idea that you always have to start somewhere.
In the film Suspense by Lois Weber, it demonstrated the thrill in a film without using people talking. I found it very fascinating. The music was added in perfectly. At times where the suspense was building the music would be faster and have deeper tones, giving a more suspenseful effect. The film seemed to be a mother leaving her child with the caretaker, and not saying anything about leaving. A homeless man was walking past the house at perfect timing, he watched the mom leave. The filmmaker of this is Lois Weber, who is America's first female filmmaker. I think this film was executed perfectly. She knew when to add in the dramatic effect with the music. I was also never confused while watching. It can be hard to understand videos with no words being spoken between the characters, but this one was comprehendible.
January 13, 2023
Who I Am
Hello, my name is Lexie Hernandez and I am a sophomore at north Central College. I thought I'd share some facts about myself so that my readers can get to know me more. I am studying psychology, in hopes to become a child psychologist in the future. I really enjoy listening to people and getting a deeper understanding of them and that is why I chose psychology as my career path. I am apart of the women's basketball team at school as well. I have been playing basketball pretty much all my life. Outside of school and basketball, I enjoy hiking, swimming, shopping, and hanging out with my friends. I also learned how to surf two summers ago when I was on vacation in Hawaii. That is by far my favorite thing I have ever done. In my free time I do love to go see new movies in the theater with my friends or family.
A movie I just recently watched with my dad was "Green Book" directed by Pete Farrelly. I had never heard of this movie until my dad put it on. I really enjoyed this film. I thought it had a very strong message, that also tied in some humor. I did not know what to expect from it at first, but it ended up being very heart-warming. It took place in the 1960's, and included an Italian man who drove an African-american pianist around the country. As we know, the 1960's had a lot of segregation so that was what the message revolved around. Overall, it was a very good film and I enjoyed having the time to watch it with my dad.
Life Of a College Student
In film class my classmates and I created a short film. A member in our group, Emma, came up with the idea to make a film on a college stu...
The film " Des Cabinet des Dr. Caligari" is a suspenseful mystery. There are no words, so it can be a bit confusing at some point...
Chapter six discusses editing. Editing is the last step of creating the film. In the older days, they used to have 10x the amount of film c...
In the film Suspense by Lois Weber, it demonstrated the thrill in a film without using people talking. I found it very fascinating. The mus...